Solar PV Cells

Innovative Advanced Technologies To Energize Efficiency and Performance

Solar PV Cells which we offered to the market is with high quality and reliability also deliver significant best performance output makes us proud. 


We do OEM manufacturing of cells which are available in size 158.75mm (G1), and also available in size 156.75mm (M2) with 5BB configuration.


We do OEM manufacturing of HJT Bi-Facial cells which are available in M10, G12 with 12BB, 16BB and also available with zero BB options.


We do OEM manufacturing of TOPCON cells in M6, M10, G12 with factory standard bus bar options of 6BB, 9BB, 12BB, 16BB. The cells of high efficiency in the segment and proved to be reliable.


We do OEM manufacturing of cells which are available in M6 with custom 6BB and M10 cells 6BB, 9BB, 12BB and other specific customer needed design and grid pattern.

How It Works

Customers around the world come forward to start of ordering our MOQ for evaluation of quality and its performance during real time manufacturing of Solar Panels at their facility. Once after witnessing exceptional and satisfactory results make them to move further with long term cooperation.

Minimal CTM loss

The offered cells of PERC / TOPCON and HJT delivered excellent performance at our customer’s manufacturing facilities around the world.

Soldering / Wiring

Compatible with manual and automatic tabbing machines of irrespective brand models available in the market.

Panel Design / Customization

Our cells are well optimized and compatible to make half-cell, quarter-cell and also suitable for making customized Solar PV Panels.

Assembling / Durability

User friendly and ease of handling at industry standard manufacturing practices also demonstrated excellent durability.

Pricing Plan

MBC Solar adopted pricing policy of weekly, bi-weekly, monthly in line with market prices in the segment.

Basic Standard



$0.038 per Wp

Contact Us For Our Solar PV Cells

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